Receiving a salary at the end of each month should ensure financial security. Sometimes it doesn't. The cities' increasing expenses have made it tough to make ends meet at times. Certain unexpected expenses may arise that cannot be postponed until the salary is received. These are the occasions when you require a connection to get you through until your paycheck arrives. Some people prefer to borrow from a family member or a friend, while others take out a long-term loan from a bank, but both options can be extremely inconvenient in the long run. An advance salary loan, on the other hand, can assist you in meeting your financial responsibilities.
As the name implies, an advance salary loan is a short-term loan given to salaried individuals on the security of their salary. An advance salary loan is essential in times of emergency when a person does not want to take out a personal loan and cannot wait for the next salary. The borrower is supposed to repay this in instalments or when they receive their next paycheck.
You need to be above 23 and below 55 years of age to avail of a loan from CapitalNow. Individuals with a regular source of income and a minimum in-hand salary of ₹ 30,000 per month can apply.
You can now apply for a salary advance loan more easily by downloading the CapitalNow app.
Here is the step-by-step process for applying:
Download your loan provider's app. Most financial institutions and loan providers now have applications. You can visit their official website if they do not have one.
Give us your basic information, such as your name, age, PIN code, and marital status.
Include facts about your profession, such as work type, salary, and your PAN number.
You must select your loan amount from the permitted limit based on your information and qualifying conditions.
Determine your EMI liability and EMI payable. You can calculate how much you need to repay using one of the EMI calculators available online.
Fill in your banking information to enable automatic transactions. Provide the name of your bank, the IFSC code, and your full name. You can also set up auto-debit to ensure that no EMI payments are missed.
Your salary advance loan will be granted within minutes if all of your paperwork is in order and authentic.
It is mainly determined by your monthly income. The bank or lender evaluates if you have enough money to repay the equal monthly instalments while processing your advance salary loan application (EMIs). First, the bank or lender will determine whether the EMI amount is less than 50% of your gross pay.
Check out your CIBIL. If your score is good, you’re eligible for loans ranging from ₹5000 to ₹ 1.5 lakhs from Capital Now.
Loan tenure in the CapitalNow app depends on the type of loan you have taken: For Day Loan : 30 Days,EMI Loans : 65 and 95 days
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